Each season has many, great activities that come with it. In the spring, opportunities include turkey hunting and fishing. Many hunting enthusiast hit the woods for a shot at what many call a thanksgiving prize, the turkey. Fishing at this time offers exceptional fishing opportunities because of the warming water and rising water levels. If hunting or fishing is not of interest, the growing fungi in the woods may poke an interest. While most of the woods continue to thaw and start new growth, morels are growing under dead elms and old apple trees. These prized fungi make a delicious meal or they may even yield in a high cash reward.

The fall and winter seasons again offer great hunting and fishing opportunities too. Deer hunting is around the corner when September rolls around. Wisconsin deer hunters are very passionate about the deer hunting season. Many families have a deep tradition when this time of year rolls around. Again, fishing also offers a great opportunity. Fish are eating like crazy, getting ready for the winter chill. Temperatures are also cool enough to enjoy other activities like camping and hiking. The little patches of frost and cool weather that Mother Nature spurs also act to control the bugs that bite and irritate everyone. The cool weather also transforms the woods into a colorful display with the many colors that the leaves turn.

The four seasons offer many opportunities for the outdoor enthusiast like me. Throughout the year, there are many things to do. From fishing to hunting, from camping to hiking, the seasons find a way to keep busy. I could never imagine myself living anywhere else but here, in God's Country.